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College  Campus


Campus Goes Green! Join us to Create a Sustainable Future    

https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQE5I4fovMegVg/article-cover_image-shrink_423_752/0/1651564303260?e=1720656000&v=beta&t=T4UOAfbR8cVjlrIF5MWosldyiHtHQKDoHIC71AmMXds         Seven among the 17 Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) proposed by     UNESCO,[viz.Establish Good Health and Well-Being (3), Improve Clean Water and   Sanitation (6), Grow Affordable and Clean Energy (7), Influence Responsible   Consumption and Production (12), Organise Climate Action (13), Advance Life on   Land(15), and Build Partnership (17)]; directly and indirectly point towards green initiatives for a sustainable growth. Sustainability goes beyond the 4R’s (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), although those four practices are still essential.


   Green and Clean Campus is a promising global movement these days. Going Green is a higherdecibelled slogan and practice in the campuses across the world. Mother Teresa College of Teacher Education Perambra is not an exception to it. The Student-Teachers and Faculty members are fully engaged themselves to dedicate their available time amidst the busy schedule of practicing the Teacher Education curriculum to follow the green principles in action adopted and instructed by the college management and the administration. Voluntary initiatives by the college union, clubs and N.S.S unit etc. add life to the Green Campus; Clean Campus movement in the campus.

          Notable Green Initiatives mapped out of the M. T. C. campus are described below:

  • EXTENDED CAMPUS GARDEN: Of the 3 acre lush green campus of the college, there exist a species rich extended garden from the main gate of the college to the open ground. Many of such varieties among the nearly 30 species are ever flowering in all seasons of the lunar year. Nearly 45 potted plants decorate the indoor of the building. The campus has a collection of more than 10 indigenous fruit bearing plants. The green tress and flowering plants offer habitation for a wide variety of birds and butterflies; whose chirping sounds and dancing in air validates the existence of greenery in the campus. The metal and concrete benches built under the shades of the trees and plants in the garden occasionally offer a special space of solace and hang-out to the students in the campus.
  • RAINWATER HARVESTING THROUGH MAZHAKUZHI: In order to fight the water shortage during the scorching summer season; the college constructed TWO tarpaulin lined Rain Harvesting Pits (locally called as Mazhakuzhi) which can store nearly 1,00,000 liters of water for the use in march and April to water the plants and agriculture crops in the campus. Annual maintenance of the pits and replacing of ground lining of the pits with new tarpaulins form part of the regular activity to ensure the storage capacity of these Mazhakuzhies.


  • NO FOOD IN CLASSROOM POLICY’; SEPARATE LUNCH-ON INTERACTION SPACE FOR STUDENT-TEACHERS: In order to prevent the classrooms from the possibility of getting manipulated with food waste, the college management has taken a strict stand that classrooms are to be kept food and drinks free as far possible and a separate roofed and furnished outhouse is being provided for the Student-Teachers to take food; which in turn acts as a lunch-on interaction hub for the students for their informal collaboration and networking. Separate bins are provided for the collection and disposal of the food waste and plastic wastes at this center.


  • SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL THROUGH INCINERATOR: A dedicated mini incinerator of 10 Kg capacity per day is commissioned in the campus for managing the solid waste generated in the campus. Regular burning and cleaning of the waste is partially supported by the student-volunteers along with the supporting staff of the college.


  • RE-USABLE GLASSES AND PLATES FOR SERVING DISHES: In common celebrations where collective distribution of food materials is part of it; the college administration follows the strict practice of using non-plastic reusable steel plates and glasses. The large collection of cooking utensils and containers in the kitchen associated with the food sharing outhouse of the college has a collection of 200 Stainless Steel Plates ad Glasses. Also, we promote ethnic food menus and ethnic food distribution practices regularly.


  • DRINKING WATER THROUGH RO-UV 3-in-1 WATER PURIFIER:Clean drinking water is made assured to the students
    through an RO-UV tower 3-in-one water purifier capable of serving nearly 200 people per day.
  • The Coimbatore based industry that supplied and installed the water purifier will undertake the services through an AMC.




  • DRINKING WATER POTS FOR BIRDS IN THE CAMPUS: A recent addition to the green initiatives in the campus is the placing of water filled earth pots for the birds in the campus in different parts of the extended garden of the college. At the ongoing summer period, a good number of birds are using the facility; which directly and indirectly a motivating view instilling the spirit of respect for life among the students and visitors to the campus. The supportive staff members are keen and vigilant in refilling the pots during the days of the summer vacation.


  • FOOD WASTE DISPOSAL THROUGH CATEGORISED WASTE BINS: In order to promote a responsible waste management system the college follows a working principle in tune with the motto of the Clean Kerala Mission: Our Waste; Our Responsibility.The student-Teachers are instructed and promoted to classify and deposit the waste after their food for as Bio-Degradable and Non-Bio degradable one using separate collection bins for the same. The collected waste would be send to the decomposition pit nearby or to the incinerator respectively.


MONTHLY SOCIAL SWEATING INITIATIVE: Another green campus promotion initiative started recently in the campus is the observance of Monthly Social Sweating event; where the N. S. S. volunteers and faculty members involve themselves in cleaning and de-littering of the classrooms and campus. Though it is a voluntary initiative all students along with their mentors participate with much enthusiasm and spirit. Distribution of drinks and snacks also follows the drive.